Our Story, Wyn and Elaine, Part 2

Created by Elaine 25 days ago

Our time in Colombia- 2002 - 2019, was a very special time for us, teaching together in 3 different regions of the country, sometimes in classrooms one above the other. Wyn loved teaching and he loved Colombia; the happiest 5 years he taught middle school maths in Colegio Albania, La Mina. We lived in a closed compound built to accommodate the employees and their families connected to a massive open cast coal mine. Our lives revolved around teaching and sport.

Travel was another passion for us both and we visited many countries in South America and Central America.  Most memorably the glaciers in Patagonia and the Iguazu falls. We studied Spanish in Ecuador and Guatemala and marvelled at the ruins of Tikal, Machu Picchu, and Chichen Itza. Wyn loved history and was fascinated by the Maya and Inca cultures.