Our Story, Wyn and Elaine, Part 3

Created by Elaine one month ago

In November 2015, our lives were changed forever in seconds when Wyn suffered a severe stroke. The next 3 years were spent in Colombia from the house we had built in Bucaramanga, where Wyn did extensive rehab and he tried all the treatments and therapy on offer. We were so fortunate to have wonderful help from Luz Marina, our housekeeper,  who took on the extra role as Wyn's carer.

It was becoming evident however, that we needed to return to the UK, both to be closer to family and friends and because the lifestyle we had enjoyed was no longer available to us. Back in Eastbourne, in a small flat right on the beautiful seafront we started a new life. In these 5 years I learnt what it means to have another adult totally dependent on you for everything- physically, mentally and emotionally.  It was by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do but I wouldn't have had it any other way. There were many moments,  even days of desperation but there were also rewards. You will never be as close to another human, as intimate as you are in the situation of primary carer. The relationship is intense and all encompassing.  Every day Wyn expressed his love and gratitude and I realised what a privilege it is to be so needed and valued. I will never have that again. So what I miss most is the daily hugs and wonderful words of love and appreciation from Wyn. 

"I love you with all my heart"

"You've given me such a good life "

"Thank you for caring for me so well "

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me "